Literatur zu Marketing-Gewinnspielen
Die folgenden Quellen habe ich in meiner Diplomarbeit zum Einsatz von Gewinnspielen als Marketingmaßnahme verwendet:
Brockhoff, K./Andresen, U. (1986): Verbundanalyse zur Gestaltung von Preisausschreiben, Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, Jg. 38 (9), S. 779-787
Browne, B. A. et al. (1992): Games people play: A comparative study of promotional game participants and gamblers, Journal of Applied Business Research, 9. Jg. (1), S. 93-99
Carpenter, J. M./Moore, M. (2008): US consumers’ perceptions of non-price retail promotions, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Jg. 36 (2), S. 111 – 123
Chandon, P. et al. (2000): A benefit congruency framework of sales promotion effectiveness, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (4), S. 65 – 81
Parfümerie Douglas GmbH: Douglas, 2010, [20.03.2010]
dress-for-less GmbH: dress-for-less, 2010, [12.03.2010]
dress-for-less GmbH: dress-for-less, 2010, [12.03.2010]
dress-for-less GmbH: dress-for-less, 2010,;id=o_r8V8Xchx_K4RlllHpXBv [12.03.2010]
Fang, X./Mowen, J. C. (2009): Examining the trait and functional motive antecedents of four gambling activities: slot machines, skilled card games, sports betting, and promotional games, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Jg. 26 (2), S. 121-131
Feinman, J. et al.: Sweepstakes, Prize Promotions, Games & Contests, Homewood 1986, 2010, [20.03.2010]
Gedenk, K.: Verkaufsförderung, München 2002
Gedenk, K. et al. (2001): Gewinnspiele im Marketing, Marketing – Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis, Jg. 23 (2), S. 117 – 128
Hainz, A.: Das Preisausschreiben als Instrument der Verkaufsförderung dargestellt am Beispiel der Markenartikelhersteller in der Konsumgüterindustrie, Freiburg 1984
Howard, D. J./Barry, T. E. (1990): The Evaluative Consequences of Unexpected Favorable Events, Journal of Marketing Research, Jg. 27 (2), S. 51 – 60
Huff, L. C./Alden, D. L. (1998): An Investigation of Consumer Response to Sales Promotions in Developing Markets: A Three-Country Analysis, Journal of Advertising Research, Jg. 38 (3), S. 47 – 56
Jaffe, E. D./Wegrzynovicz, J. A. (1969): Can You Sell Gasoline with Games? The Puzzling Persistence of a Gimmick, Business Horizons, Jg. 8 (48), S. 43 – 50
Kahneman, D./Tversky, A. (1979): Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk, Econometrica, Jg. 47 (2), S. 263-291
Kalra, A./Shi, M. (2002): Consumer Value-Maximizing Sweepstakes & Contests: A Theo-retical and Experimental Investigation, Review of Marketing Science Working Papers, Vol. 1 (3), S. 1-36
Lichtenstein, D. R./Burton, S./Netemeyer, R. G. (1997): An Examination of Deal Proneness Across Sales Promotion Types: A Consumer Segmentation Perspective, Journal of Retailing, Jg. 73 (2), S. 283-297
Liu, D. et al. (2007): Optimal Design of Consumer Contests, Journal of Marketing, 71. Jg. (4), S. 140-155
Narayana, C. L./Raju, P. S. (1985): Gifts versus Sweepstakes: Consumer Choices and Pro-files, Journal of Advertising, Jg. 14 (1), S. 50-53
McDaniel, S. R. (2002): Investigating the Roles of Gambling Interest and Impulsive Sensation Seeking on Consumer Enjoyment of Promotional Games, Social Behaviour and Personality, Jg. 30 (1), S. 53 – 64
Peattie, K. et al. (1997): Promotional Competitions as a Strategic Marketing Weapon, Journal of Marketing Management, Jg. 13 (8), S. 777-789
Peattie, S./Peattie, K. (1993): Sales Promotion Competitions – A Survey, Journal of Marketing Management, Jg. 9 (3), S. 271 – 286
Prendergast, G./Thompson, E. R. (2008): Sales Promotion Strategies and Belief in Luck, Psychology & Marketing, Jg. 25 (11), S. 1043 – 1062
Projectplace GmbH: Lügen und gewinnen Sie!, 2010, [20.03.2010]
Selby, E. B./Beranek, W. B. (1981): Sweepstakes Contests: Analysis, Strategies, and Survey, The American Economic Review, Jg. 71 (1), S. 189 – 195
Shi, Y.-Z./Cheung, K.-M./Prendergast, G. (2005): Behavioural Response to Sales Promotion Tools – A Hong Kong Study, Jg. 24 (4), S. 467 – 486
Stottmeister, G.: Der Einsatz von Preisausschreiben im Marketing: Ausprägungen, Wirkungen und Wirkungsmessung, Heidelberg 1988
Teichmann, M.-H. et al. (2005): Consumers’ Preferences for Online and Offline Sweepstakes and Contests – The Impact of Promotion Attributes on Consumers’ Entry Decisions, Marketing – Journal of Research and Management, 1. Jg. (2), S. 67-90
Tversky, A./Kahneman, D. (1974): Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases, Science, New Series, Vol. 185 (4157), S. 1124 – 1131
Ward, J. C./Hill, R. P. (1991): Designing Effective Promotional Games: Opportunities and Problems, Journal of Advertising, Jg. 20 (3), S. 69 – 81
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